
Friday, October 5, 2018

Kavanaugh and Ronaldo allegations prove institutional muscle memory always backs men

In America, Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been accused by Professor Christine Blasey Ford of sexually assaulting her in high school. She said during her testimony on Capitol Hill that she believed he was going to rape her.
He has also been accused by fellow Yale classmate, Deborah Ramirez, of exposing his penis to her while at college. Kavanaugh has angrily denied the accusations.
Cristiano Ronaldo -- one of the world's most famous and highest-paid sports stars -- has been accused of rape by teacher Kathryn Mayorga.
As vote looms, Kavanaugh makes final argument
Ronaldo has also denied the accusations, calling rape "an abominable crime that goes against everything that I am and believe in."
Allegedly, both men's careers now hang in the balance. Judge Kavanaugh may lose the privilege of a lifetime appointment to the US Supreme Court, having instead to settle for the lifetime appointment he already holds to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
Meanwhile, Ronaldo, who has a few years left of being a top-flight footballer, will not play in Portugal's next four internationals.
These are heavy prices indeed for a little alleged sexual assault and rape, but luckily for both Kavanaugh and Ronaldo, it looks like the closing of ranks is already well in progress.
Asked if Kavanaugh's nomination would be withdrawn, Politico reported that a White House lawyer said, "No way, not even a hint of it. If anything, it's the opposite."
Meanwhile, the President of the United States, who thinks that "it's a very scary time for young men in America," said Ramirez "admits that she was drunk." Admits.
Following a hearing in which Kavanaugh, according to some of his former classmates, blatantly misrepresented his drinking and peddled in hyperpartisan conspiracy theories about the Clintons -- both of which should surely be a bar to a seat on the Supreme Court -- The Wall Street Journal saw fit to give him space for an op-ed headlined, without a hint of irony: "I Am an Independent, Impartial Judge."
Nike and EA Sports, both of which have contracts with Ronaldo, have assured the public that they are "closely monitor(ing) the situation," with Nike saying it's "deeply concerned," which will be a great relief to rape victims everywhere.
The soccer club Juventus has thrown its support behind their man, tweeting on Thursday that he "has shown in recent months his great professionalism and dedication, which is appreciated by everyone at Juventus," and that, "The events allegedly dating back to almost 10 years ago do not change this opinion, which is shared by anyone who has come into contact with this great champion." For good measure, they followed up with a fawning video of the player scoring a goal in training, showing that he is getting on with things just fine at this difficult time.
As for Fernando Santos, the Portuguese national coach, he has cited Ronaldo's summer move from the Spanish to the Italian championships as a reason for leaving him out of the Portugal squad, saying that he "always" supports his players and that he believes Ronaldo, according to the Guardian.
"In the future, nothing prevents Cristiano from giving his contribution to the national team," he tweeted. At least he's honest.
Amy Schumer and Emily Ratajkowski were arrested in Kavanaugh protests
And let's be honest about this. For a brief moment, institutions may make sad faces about tough decisions and the abstract horrors of rape. But then institutional muscle memory will take over, and they will revert to type.
Kavanaugh will be confirmed despite his clear unfitness for the bench, irrespective of whether you believe Ford and Ramirez (and I do).
Ronaldo will carry on playing soccer and earning millions of euros flogging sportswear.
There is no reason for the men of America, or indeed anywhere, to be scared.
And the women? Well, we'll just have to carry on talking about what these men have done to us in the face of disbelief, mockery and threats.
And we'll just have to carry on hoping that one day, in the face of all the evidence, you'll start listening to us.

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